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Mental Health Resources


NYU Langone Medical Center - Center for Men's Health

ZocDoc - Psychiatrist Search

Psychology Today - Psychiatrist Search

Low Cost Therapy Resources

Callen-Lorde - LGBT client's looking for therapy with insurance coverage or who are uninsured and have very limited incomes.

The Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy Low-fee Clinic - Low cost therapy for individuals and couples willing to work with therapists in a training setting

ZocDoc - Mental Health Provider (Therapist - Counselor) Search

Psychology Today - Mental Health Provider (Therapist - Counselor) Search

Institute for Human Identity (IHI) - Low cost and out of network insurance coverage for individual, couple, and group therapy sessions, as well as a free walk-in clinic (closed between May 1, 2017 till the fall)

TherapySafetyNet - Helping uninsured New Yorkers connect with the resources for therapeutic support and insurance coverage (ceased operations in 2013)